Handpuppen - die original Kumquats

Testimonials-what costumers say


The kids built a long and strong bond with the puppets and talked to them about their problems and anxiety which they would have never told us alone.


The kids are observant, communicating and understand it better with the help of the puppet than without it.


Sparkling eyes and happiness without end! Kids that talk about things which they wouldn't have talked about before and the motivation of doing new things with the puppet is exceptional. I don't want to miss Marvin any more!


Until now I was able that ALL the kids talk to "me" (the puppet) much faster than a regular therapist and it was a lot more fun doing the Logo-Therapy, too! I could use the puppet again and again and it would always be a fun experience for the kids!!!!!


I was able to improve the relationship to people with disabilities - now they are able to do more things than before.


Most people are fascinated by the liveliness pf the puppets. I was able to spread joy and sometimes and be of comfort to my kids.


My daughter didn't feel alone in difficult situations. The puppet was allowed to say things she would never had accepted from the parents.


They are so much fun! Kumquats are helping me a lot to educate my children, because when the puppet says : "Go, brush your teeth!" - then the kids will do that immediately.


An autistic boy(5 years old), who was not talking at all, started to talk to Marvin and is today very talkative.


The motivation to speak increased considerably using the puppets.


For a short time Kids at hospital are able to forget their pain and anxiety as they can talk and laugh with the puppet.


Seniors are starting to laugh. They just feel better....


The puppet is very important for our speech therapy. As soon as we play with the puppet the young kids we are working with are starting to talk. We use them for our routines and the results are amazing.


We use them for first aid trainings for kindergarten kids and they are just phenomenal!


Beyond all the fun the kids have with them, they’re durable! We’ve washed them and they spring right back to life.


The children have bonded with Rico, Connie, Billy, Lucy, Wiki and more! They play, nap, take them wherever they go throughout the day and love them.


They've arrived !!! Thanks so much . My little girl has some nasty virus and was feeling quite low but when she saw Lucy she brightened up loads , both my children are really delighted with them - Louise Sykes


What would we do without these sweet, sweet puppets?! The Kumquat puppets have been used throughout our child development centers to help us reinforce emotional and social lessons with our children.



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